Monday, December 28, 2009

Beef Bourguignon

If you've seen Julie & Julia you know just what I am up to!
On the last day of school, we were invited over to a dear friends home for a party... games and sledding for the kids and Julie & Julia for us ladies. Oh my did I have a fabulous time! Of course we ate a wonderful Beef Bourguignon and chatted away at just how big God is and how much grace and mercy He extends daily. (Is there anything better than fellowshipping with dear friends over wonderful food ?!) Then came the movie. Oh, how we laughed...It's true you know about butter...It really does make EVERYTHING taste better !! So alas, I think I am a fairly good cook, and I've been just crazy to try Julias recipe..... Reality is... I don't have that much time and I am not that good of a cook. So off to the market for a package of stew mix. It's simmering now. The house smells delightful, and no one will know its not Julias. I will just serve extra butter with the bread!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a wonderful day. What a great post. I love your new blog...very fun!



About Me

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I love my family, food and friends! Talking about good food while eatting good food with family and friends is especially wonderful !