Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good, Better, Best

So typical of me, to get all excited about blogging, knitting,beading, you name it.....and then to drop it. Usually its for a good reason; too busy doing other things... It's not that I necessarily want to drop it, but it's not always the best use of my time.
I have been doing a lot of reflecting on "good, better, best" use of time.
I can't go back to 9am and do that run over or 1:30 and have that visit with my special friend over. I want to be fully aware and present. I know most of you are, and are thinking what??
example, this am I was playing Farkle(love it) with the kids, when my mom calls... not really giving either the best attention and should of stopped for a minute to really listen.
I have a saying on my board that says " wherever you are physically, be there mentally"
It's a good one don't you think?
Us moms do so much multi-tasking .... talking on phone, correcting paper, folding laundry, you name it. Sometimes it gets to be too much good stuff, and not enough better or best stuff.
My friend Heather, has a Fab Five she has blogged about - I LoVed it ! and being the copy-catter that I am, have adapted it to a Fab Four for me. If I get these (Best) 4 things in each day, then it seems all is well.
1. Quiet time with Jesus
2. Excercise
3. Eat right !
4. Sleep - for me at least 7 hrs if not 8...
I guess I should make it 5 - time with my funny family is so important too!

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About Me

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I love my family, food and friends! Talking about good food while eatting good food with family and friends is especially wonderful !